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  13389 results in
The Biological Computer Laboratory Index
K Wilson
, JD Day
  Fiche #0 
The Collected Works of the Biological Computer Laboratory
  Fiche #0 
BCL Publications
  Fiche #0 
An Electrophysiological Investigation of Learning in the Earthworm
AM Andrew
  Fiche #1 
Electrolytic Growth of Silver Dendrites
WA Ainsworth
  Fiche #1 
Table of the Stirling Numbers of the Second Kind S (N, K) for N, K Up To 100 and For Values of S(N,K) Equal Or Smaller Than 10109-1
AM Andrew
  Fiche #1 
Self-improvement using a Disturbed Measure of Goal-Achievement
AM Andrew
  Fiche #3 
A Beam-Blanking Circuit
AM Andrew
  Fiche #3 
Counting to 1,099,508,482,050 Without Carries
AM Andrew
  Fiche #3 
Significance Feedback in Neural Nets
AM Andrew
  Fiche #3 
Automatic Adjustment in a Continuous Environment
AM Andrew
  Fiche #3 
To Model or Not To Model
AM Andrew
  Fiche #3 
Requisite Variety and Its Implications for the Control of Complex Systems
WR Ashby
  Fiche #4 
The Mechanism of Habituation
WR Ashby
  Fiche #4 
The Brain as Regulator
WR Ashby
  Fiche #4 
Computers and Decision Making
WR Ashby
  Fiche #4 
The Relativity of Meaning
WR Ashby
  Fiche #4 
The Avoidance of Overwriting in Self-Organizing Systems
WR Ashby
, J Riquet
  Fiche #4 
The FIER Distinguished Lecture 1961 Cybernetics Today and its Future Contribution to the Engineering Sciences
WR Ashby
  Fiche #4 
Cybernetics - Recent Progress in Psychiatry III
WR Ashby
  Fiche #4 
WR Ashby
  Fiche #5 
What is an Intelligent Machine
WR Ashby
  Fiche #5 
Instability of Pulse Activity in a Net with Threshold
WR Ashby
, H Von Foerster
, CC Walker
  Fiche #5 
The Self-Reproducing System
WR Ashby
  Fiche #5 
The Set Theory of Mechanism and Homeostasis
WR Ashby
  Fiche #5 
Threshold and Stability in Large Networks
WR Ashby
, H Von Foerster
, CC Walker
  Fiche #5 
Principles of the Self-Organizing System
WR Ashby
  Fiche #6 
Simulation of a Brain
WR Ashby
  Fiche #6 
The Essential Instability Of Systems with Threshold and Some Possible Applications to Psychiatry
WR Ashby
, H Von Foerster
, CC Walker
  Fiche #6 
Induction, Prediction and Decision-Making in Cybernetic Systems
WR Ashby
  Fiche #6 
Manually Operated Robot or Network - A General-Purpose Analog Machine for Teaching and Research
WR Ashby
, JK Russell
  Fiche #6 
Systems and Information
WR Ashby
  Fiche #7 
Biological Computers
WR Ashby
, H Von Foerster
  Fiche #7 
Introdutory Remarks at a Panel Discussion.
WR Ashby
  Fiche #7 
Measuring the Internal Information Exchange in a System
WR Ashby
  Fiche #7 
Many-Dimensional Relations
WR Ashby
  Fiche #7 
Constraint Analysis of Many-Dimensional Relations
WR Ashby
  Fiche #7 
Brain and Computer
WR Ashby
  Fiche #8 
WR Ashby
, CC Walker
  Fiche #8 
Mathematical Models and Computer Analysis of the Function of the Central Nervous System
WR Ashby
  Fiche #8 
Modeling the Brain
WR Ashby
  Fiche #8 
The Place of the Brain in the Natural World
WR Ashby
  Fiche #8 
The Brain of Yesterday and Today
WR Ashby
  Fiche #9 
WR Ashby
  Fiche #9 
Information Processing in Everyday Human Activity
WR Ashby
  Fiche #9 
The Contribution of Information Theory to Pathological Mechanisms in Psychiatry
WR Ashby
  Fiche #9 
Some Consequences of Bremermann\\\'s Limit for Information-Processing Systems
WR Ashby
  Fiche #9 
Two Tables of Identities Governing Information Flows Within Large Systems
WR Ashby
  Fiche #9 
Energy and Signal
WR Ashby
  Fiche #9 
Information Flows Within Co-ordinated Systems
WR Ashby
  Fiche #9 
Systems and Their Informational Measures
WR Ashby
  Fiche #9 
WR Ashby
  Fiche #9 
Setting Goals in Cybernetic Systems
WR Ashby
  Fiche #10 
Analysis of the System to be Modeled
WR Ashby
  Fiche #10 
Pulse Interval Representations of Speech Events
JW Atwood
  Fiche #10 
Reorganization by Adaptive Automation
M Babcock
  Fiche #11 
Some Physiology of Automata
M Babcock
  Fiche #12 
A Dynamic Signal Analyser
M Babcock
  Fiche #12 
Some Uses and Misuses of Bio-Computer Philosophy
M Babcock
  Fiche #13 
Search and Evaluation of Significant Event Sequences in Automated Speech Analysis
JW Atwood
, M Babcock
, MP Hoffman
, JR Cohen
  Fiche #13 
Syntactic Analysis for the R2 System
K Biss
  Fiche #14 
Computer Systems Scheduling
H Bieloski
  Fiche #14 
Cronkite Produktion Ausreifund und Lebensdauer der Leukozyten
WR Ashby
, H Von Foerster
, CC Walker
  Fiche #15 
Production Differentiation and Lifespan of Leukocytes
WR Ashby
, H Von Foerster
, G Brecher
  Fiche #15 
CW Burckhardt
  Fiche #15 
The Analysis and Systhesis of a Learning Teaching System
G Brieske
  Fiche #15 
Computation of Invariants in Continuos and Discrete Manifolds
H Von Foerster
, S Cheng
, A Inselberg
, R Yeh
  Fiche #17 
Life Span and Self-Repair in Complex Systems
S Cheng
  Fiche #18 
Optimization in a Stable World
H Von Foerster
, G Brieske
, D Cohen
  Fiche #19 
Optimizing Reproduction in a Risky Environment
D Cohen
  Fiche #19 
Optimizing Reproduction in a Risky Environment with Communication
D Cohen
  Fiche #19 
ISL - A New Programming Language for Information Retrieval
RT Chien
, SR Ray
, FA Stahl
  Fiche #19 
Channel Capacity of Moore Automata
RC Conant
  Fiche #20 
Optimization in a Stable World
H Von Foerster
, G Brieske
, D Cohen
  Fiche #20 
Tactile-kinesthetic Methods for Measuring Lengh Used by Congennitally Blind Children Perceptual and Motor Skills
P Duran
, S Tufenkjian
  Fiche #23 
Imagery and Blindness a Personal Report
P Duran
  Fiche #23 
The information Transfer Required in Regulatory Processes
RC Conant
  Fiche #23 
Notation of Movement
N Eshkol
, et al
  Fiche #23 
Information Transfer in Complex Systems with Applications to Regulation
RC Conant
  Fiche #23 
A Digital Computer for the Electronic Music Studio
MD Freedman
  Fiche #26 
A Technique for the Analysis of Musical Instrument Tones
MD Freedman
  Fiche #26 
Analysis of Musical Instrument Tones
MD Freedman
  Fiche #27 
A Method for Analysing Musical Instrument Tones
MD Freedman
  Fiche #27 
A Search Routine in a Relational Data Base
J Fucetola
  Fiche #27 
Connectance of Large Dynamic (Cybernetic) Systems Critical Values for Stability
MR Gardner
  Fiche #28 
A Method of Decoding Speech
J Gazdag
  Fiche #28 
Critical Degenerateness in Linear Systems
MR Gardner
  Fiche #28 
Computer Simulation in Small Groups
W Godfrey
  Fiche #29 
La Paloma: A Self-Organizing System
G Brieske
, E Gruberg
  Fiche #30 
Functional Organization of the Tectum of the Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma Tigrinum)
E Gruberg
  Fiche #30 
Diegebrochene Rationalitat
G Gunther
  Fiche #32 
Die Aristotelische Logik des Seins und Die Nicht-Aristotelische Logik der Reflexion
G Gunther
  Fiche #32 
Cognition and Volition a Contribution to Theory of Subjectivity
G Gunther
  Fiche #32 
Cybernetic Ontology and Transjunctional Operations
G Gunther
  Fiche #33 
Logische Voraussetzungen und Philosophische Sprache in den Sozialwissenschaften
G Gunther
  Fiche #33 
Das Problemeiner Trans-klassischen Logik
G Gunther
  Fiche #34 
Hegel Dialectic Theory and Symbolic logic
G Gunther
  Fiche #34 
Schopfung, Reflexion und Geschichte
G Gunther
  Fiche #34 
The tradition of Logic and the Concept of a Trans-Classical Rationality
G Gunther
  Fiche #34 
Das Problemeiner Formalisierung der Tranzendental-dialektischen Logic
G Gunther
  Fiche #35 
Information, Communication, Many-valued Logic
G Gunther
  Fiche #35 
Zweiwertigkeit Logische Paradoxieund Selbst-referierende Reflexion
G Gunther
  Fiche #35 
Cybernetics and Transclassical Logic
G Gunther
  Fiche #36 
Das Ratsei des Seins
G Gunther
  Fiche #36 
Super Additivity
G Gunther
  Fiche #36 
The Logical Structure of Evolution and Emanation
G Gunther
  Fiche #36 
Time, Timeless Logic and Self-referential Systems
G Gunther
  Fiche #36 
Kritische Bemerkungen zur Gegenwartigen Wissenschaftstheorie
G Gunther
  Fiche #36 
Bewusstsein als Informationsraffer
G Gunther
  Fiche #37 
Many-valued Designations and a Hierarchy of First Order Ontologies
G Gunther
  Fiche #37 
Philosophische Perspektiven Jahrbuch Ein
G Gunther
  Fiche #37 
Strukturelle Minimalbedingungen Einer Theorie des Objektiven Geistes Als Einheit Der Geschichte
G Gunther
  Fiche #37 
Die Histoische Kategorie des Neuen
G Gunther
  Fiche #38 
Natural Numbers in Transclassic Systems
G Gunther
  Fiche #38 
Complex Waveform Phonetic Speech Synthesis
MP Hoffman
  Fiche #39 
A Study of the Free Respose Distortion in Speech Processing
MP Hoffman
  Fiche #39 
Cybernetic at Illinois
H Von Foerster
, RH Howe
  Fiche #41 
Dialogue, Dialogic, Dialectic Asketch of Jurgen Habermas\\\' Theory of Communicative Competence
RH Howe
  Fiche #41 
Introductory Comments to Francisco Varela\\\'s Calculus for Self-reference
H Von Foerster
, RH Howe
  Fiche #41 
Linear Property Filters
H Von Foerster
, A Inselberg
  Fiche #41 
Microwave Modulation of Light Using the Kerr Effect
H Von Foerster
, D Hoshouser
, GL Clark
  Fiche #41 
Label Incorporation and Label Appearance in White Blood Cells
H Von Foerster
, A Inselberg
, HS Na
  Fiche #42 
Linear Solvability and the Riccati Operator
A Inselberg
  Fiche #43 
Applications of Superpositions for Non-linear Operators
A Inselberg
  Fiche #44 
Noncommutative Superpositions for Non-linear operators
A Inselberg
  Fiche #44 
On Classification and Superposition Principles for Non-linear Operators
A Inselberg
  Fiche #44 
Phase-Plane Solutions of Langmuir\\\'s Equation
A Inselberg
  Fiche #44 
A Mathematical Model of the Basiliar Membrane
H Von Foerster
, A Inselberg
  Fiche #45 
Auditory Information
Y Iso
  Fiche #45 
Superpositions for Nonlinear Operators. I. Strong Superpositions and Linearizability
A Inselberg
  Fiche #45 
Superpositions for Nonlinear Operators. II. Generalized Affine Operators
A Inselberg
  Fiche #45 
Phrase Dictionary Construction Methods for the R2 Information Retrieval System
JM Jansen
  Fiche #46 
ISL-A String Manipulation Language
FA Stahl
, KC Kelley
, FR Ray
  Fiche #46 
An Association Processor for Information Retrieval
A Kisylia
  Fiche #47 
Cutaneous Channel Capacity
K Kokjer
  Fiche #47 
Real-time Display Techniques for the Neurophysiological Laboratory
K Kokjer
  Fiche #47 
Xlog²X For Integers < x < 1009
K Kokjer
  Fiche #47 
Qualitative Limits for Automatic Error Correction Self-repair
L Lofgren
  Fiche #49 
Self-repair as a Computability Concept in the Theory of Automata
L Lofgren
  Fiche #49 
Self-repair as the Limit for Automatic Error Correction
L Lofgren
  Fiche #50 
Structure of Switching Nets
L Lofgren
  Fiche #50 
A Theory of Uniform Switching Nets
L Lofgren
  Fiche #51 
Kinematic and Tessellation Models of Self-repair;
L Lofgren
  Fiche #51 
Recognition of Order and Evolutionary Systems
L Lofgren
  Fiche #51 
A Measure of Dimensional Complexity for Multidimensional Systems
RF Madden
  Fiche #52 
An Axiomatic Explanation of Complete Self-reproduction
L Lofgren
  Fiche #52 
The Identification of Many-dimensional Relations
WR Ashby
, RF Madden
  Fiche #53 
To Approach Music
R Martin
  Fiche #53 
Neurophysiology of Cognition
H Maturana
  Fiche #54 
Biology of Cognition
H Maturana
  Fiche #55 
An Axiomatic Explanation of Complete Self-reproduction
L Lofgren
  Fiche #55 
Autopoietic Systems
H Maturana
, FG Varela
  Fiche #56 
Representation and Communication Functions
H Maturana
  Fiche #57 
The Organization of the Living - A Theory of the Living Organization
H Maturana
  Fiche #57 
A Concept Concerning a Set with a Binary Composition Law
AA Mullin
  Fiche #58 
A Double Generalization of the Concept of a Mutant
AA Mullin
  Fiche #58 
A Residue Test for Boolean Functions
AA Mullin
, WG Kellner
  Fiche #58 
An Abstract Formulation of a Problem Related to Goldbachs Conjecture
AA Mullin
  Fiche #58 
Combinational Relay Switching Fields
AA Mullin
  Fiche #58 
Does Non-linear Mean Linear
AA Mullin
  Fiche #58 
More on Stochastic Models
AA Mullin
  Fiche #58 
Poincare, Metric Reliability and Switching Components
AA Mullin
  Fiche #58 
Self-dual Symmetric Switching Functions With a Certain A-number Constraint
AA Mullin
  Fiche #58 
Stochastic Combinational Relay Switching Circuits and Reliability
AA Mullin
  Fiche #58 
Two applications of Elementary Number theory
AA Mullin
  Fiche #58 
Concerning Some Inequalities
AA Mullin
  Fiche #58 
The Present Theory of Switching and Some of its Future Trends
AA Mullin
  Fiche #58 
Two Simple-Minded Unsolvable Algebraic Problems
AA Mullin
  Fiche #58 
Where is Fancy Bred?
WS McCulloch
  Fiche #58 
Some Remarks on a Relative Anti-Closure Property
AA Mullin
  Fiche #58 
An Abstraction of a Combinatorial Concept
AA Mullin
  Fiche #59 
Remarks on Berkners Can the Social Sciences be Made Exact
AA Mullin
  Fiche #59 
On the Mutant Co-sets of Any Group
AA Mullin
  Fiche #59 
Correlative Remarks Concerning Elementary Number Theory, Groups and Mutant Sets
AA Mullin
  Fiche #59 
The Representation of All Natural Numbers as the Union of Disjoint Maximal Mutants
AA Mullin
  Fiche #59 
Philosophical Comments on the Philosophies of Charles Sanders Pierce and Ludwig Wittgenstein
AA Mullin
  Fiche #59 
Investigations of Relationology
AA Mullin
  Fiche #59 
Some Logico Philosophical Comments on Self Organizing Systems
AA Mullin
  Fiche #59 
Properties of Mutants
AA Mullin
  Fiche #59 
Some Remarks on a Relative Anti-Closure Property
AA Mullin
  Fiche #59 
On Multiply Mutant Sets
AA Mullin
  Fiche #60 
Group Theory and its Application Problems
AA Mullin
  Fiche #60 
A Note on Weakened Goldbach-like Conjecture
AA Mullin
  Fiche #60 
On Mutant Sets
AA Mullin
  Fiche #60 
On Mutant Subsets of Recursively Enumerable Systems
AA Mullin
  Fiche #60 
On the Nature of Realibility of Automata
AA Mullin
  Fiche #60 
Some Theories on the Structure of Mutant Sets and Their Application to Group and Ring Theories
AA Mullin
  Fiche #60 
Models of the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
AA Mullin
  Fiche #60 
A Necessary Condition for the Validity of Goldbachs Conjecture
AA Mullin
  Fiche #60 
On a Theorem Equivalent to Post\\\'s Fundamental Theorem of Recursive Function Theory
AA Mullin
  Fiche #60 
Science for the Humanist
AA Mullin
  Fiche #60 
On Differences of Some Structured Sets
AA Mullin
  Fiche #60 
Determination of Equivalence Classes by Orthogonal Properties
GW Zopf
, HS Hsieh
  Fiche #61 
A Predicative Model for Self-Organizing Systems
H Von Foerster
, G Pask
  Fiche #63 
A Proposed Evolutionary Model
G Pask
  Fiche #64 
The Recursive Nature of Descriptions: A Fixed Point
L Peterson
  Fiche #66 
Cybernetics of Taxation: The Optimization of Economic Participation
H Von Foerster
, L Peterson
  Fiche #67 
Computation Models of Learners for Computer Assisted Learners for Computer Assisted Learning
C Resnick
  Fiche #67 
Uncertainty Analysis in Dynamic Systems
S Powers
  Fiche #67 
Visual Image Processor II
JK Russell
  Fiche #69 
A Visual Image Processor
JK Russell
  Fiche #70 
A Visual Image Processor
JK Russell
  Fiche #70 
The Visual Image Processor
JK Russell
  Fiche #70 
Rooted Trees
HF Ryan
, P Weston
  Fiche #71 
Classification and Enumeration of Autonomous Sequential Machines
HF Ryan
  Fiche #72 
A Classification of Mappings Between Finite Sets and Some Applications
DJ Schadach
  Fiche #73 
Systems of Equivalence Relations
DJ Schadach
  Fiche #73 
Machine Coded Speech
J Schill
  Fiche #73 
Classification and Enumeration of Autonomous Sequential Machines
HF Ryan
  Fiche #73 
The Interdependence Series Matrix: A Method for Determining the Serial Dependence of Neural Interspike Intervals
TJ Marczynski
, D Wolf
, CG Sherry
  Fiche #74 
A System of Equivalence Relations
DJ Schadach
  Fiche #74 
An Authomatic Stochastic Predictor
D Stinaff
  Fiche #74 
Towards a Systematic Method of Behavior
D Stinaff
  Fiche #74 
An Omnidirectional Loudspeaker System
JM Struhar
  Fiche #76 
Cognitron Theory
R Swallow
  Fiche #77 
Loops in Computer Programs
S Taylor
  Fiche #79 
Discrete Two Dimensional Property Detectors
DH Taylor
  Fiche #79 
The Significance of the Second Formant in Speech Intelligibility
I Thomas
  Fiche #80 
The Second Formant and Speech Intelligibility
I Thomas
  Fiche #81 
Structural and Dynamic Forms of Speech
I Thomas
  Fiche #81 
Information Theory and Consumer Action
S Umpleby
  Fiche #83 
Some Applications of Cybernetic Concepts in Social Sciences
S Umpleby
  Fiche #83 
Autopoiesis the Organization of Living Systems its Characterization and a Model
H Maturana
, FG Varela
, R Uribe
  Fiche #85 
A Calculus for Self-Reference
FG Varela
  Fiche #85 
The Arithmetic of Closure
FG Varela
  Fiche #85 
Grounds for a Closed Logic
FG Varela
  Fiche #86 
Basic Concepts of Homeostasis
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #87 
Some Remarks on Changing Population
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #87 
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #87 
Combined Population Papers
H Von Foerster
, P Mora
, LW Amiot
  Fiche #87 
Some Aspects in the Design of Biological Computers
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #87 
On Self-Organizing Systems and their Environments
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #88 
Mitotic Indices of Dviding and Differentiating Cells
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #88 
Circuitry of Clues to Platonic Ideation
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #89 
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #90 
Biological Ideas for the Engineer
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #90 
Communication Amongst Automata
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #90 
Logical Structure of Envioronment and its Internal Representation
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #91 
Molecular Bionics
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #91 
Computation in Neural Nets
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #91 
Perception, Representation and Symbolization
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #92 
Report by the President
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #92 
Physics and Anthropology
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #93 
Structural Model of Functional Interactions
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #93 
Bionics Principles
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #93 
Memory Without Record
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #93 
Computers in Music
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #94 
How to Tell the Birds from the Bees - The Ontogenesis of Information
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #94 
From Stimulus to Symbol
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #94 
Time and Memory
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #94 
The Numbers of Man
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #94 
Biological Principles of Information Storage and Retrieval
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #95 
What is Memory that it May have Hindsight and Foresight as well?
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #95 
Sounds and Music
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #95 
Memory and Inductive Inference
H Von Foerster
, A Inselberg
, P Weston
  Fiche #96 
Laws of Form
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #96 
Analysis and Synthesis of Cognitive Processes and Systems
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #96 
Molecular Ethology
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #98 
Cognitive Memory
H Von Foerster
, RT Chien
  Fiche #99 
Bionics: Critique and Outlook
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #101 
Review of Embodiments of Mind” by Warren S. McCullloch
J Von Foerster
  Fiche #101 
Obituary for Warren S. McCulloch
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #101 
Cognitive Memory
H Von Foerster
, RT Chien
  Fiche #101 
H Von Foerster
, H Brun
  Fiche #101 
Evolution of Community
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #103 
Computing in the Semantic Domain
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #103 
Perception of the Future and the Future of Perception
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #103 
Technology: What will it mean to Librarians?
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #103 
Responsibilities of Competence
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #104 
Kybernetik einer Erkenntnistheorie
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #104 
On Constructing a Reality
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #104 
On Where do We Go From Here?
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #104 
An Episthemology for Living Things
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #104 
Notes pour un Epistemologie des Objects Vivents
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #105 
Giving with a Purpose The Cybernetics of Philantropy
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #105 
Culture and Biological Man
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #105 
Cybernetics of Cybernetics
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #105 
The Need of Perception
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #105 
A Study of a Family of Complex Systems, an Approach to the Investigation of Organisms Behavior
CC Walker
  Fiche #107 
On Temporal Characteristics of Behavior in Certain Complex Systems
WR Ashby
, CC Walker
  Fiche #108 
Rooted Trees
HF Ryan
, P Weston
  Fiche #109 
Artificial Intelligence and Machines that Understand
H Von Foerster
, P Weston
  Fiche #109 
Cylinders: A Relational Data Structure
P Weston
, S Taylor
  Fiche #109 
Man-like Machines: The Language Barrier
P Weston
  Fiche #109 
Machine Use of Natural Language
P Weston
  Fiche #109 
Photocell Field Counts Random Objects
P Weston
  Fiche #109 
To Uncover to Deduce to Conclude
P Weston
  Fiche #110 
Cylinders: A Relational Data Structure
P Weston
  Fiche #110 
On the Realization of Linear Automata
T Wey
  Fiche #111 
A New Homeostat
M Wilkins
  Fiche #112 
Naural Modelling: Methodology, Techniques and a Multilinear Model for Information Processing
M Wilkins
  Fiche #112 
The Cybernetics of Cognitive Processes
K Wilson
  Fiche #114 
Attitude and Context
GW Zopf
  Fiche #115 
Sensory Homeostasis
GW Zopf
  Fiche #115 
Accomplishment Summary
BCL Staff
  Fiche #117 
BCL Publications
BCL Staff
  Fiche #117 
Accomplishment Summary 66/67
BCL Staff
  Fiche #117 
Some Principles of Preorganization in Self-organizing Systems
H Von Foerster
, M Babcock
, A Inselberg
, L Lofgren
, GW Zopf
, P Weston
  Fiche #117 
Cybernetics Directory and Selected Bibliography
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #119 
Accomplishment Summary 67/68
BCL Staff
  Fiche #121 
Annual Inventory of Research
BCL Staff
  Fiche #123 
Accomplishment Summary 68/69
BCL Staff
  Fiche #124 
Accomplishment Summary 69/70
BCL Staff
  Fiche #126 
Accomplishment Summary 70/71
BCL Staff
  Fiche #130 
BCL Publications
BCL Staff
  Fiche #130 
Accomplishment Summary 71/72
BCL Staff
  Fiche #133 
Direct Access Inteligence Systems
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #136 
Interpersonal Relational Networks
H Von Foerster
  Fiche #136 
The Fundamental Theorem of Ecology
BCL Staff
  Fiche #137 
The Cybernetician: The Cybernetics of Cybernetics
  Fiche #140 
The Cybernetician: N2
  Fiche #140 
The Cybernetician: N3
  Fiche #140 
The Cybernetician: N4
  Fiche #141 
The Cybernetician: N5
  Fiche #141 
The Cybernetician: N6
  Fiche #142 
The Cybernetician: N7
  Fiche #142 
The Cybernetician: N8
  Fiche #143 
On Temporal Characteristics of Behavior in Certain Complex Systems
WR Ashby
, CC Walker
  Fiche #143 
Some Problems of Social Cybernetics
RH Howe
  Fiche #146 
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